ePolice System

ePolice System

ePolice System

It is envisaged to develop a composite Mobile app for all field force covering following functions
  • CCTNS.
  • HRMS.
  • Person of Interest
  • Village Information System
  • Facial Recognition system
Key aspect of this system is the anonymity of the information provided by the user.

a) Nature of crime: PoI data to classify information mainly on the following heads:
  • Drugs
  • Terrorism
  • Killing
  • Rape
  • Fire Arms
  • Liquor
  • Gambling
  • Sudden wealth
  • Extortion
  • Snatching
  • Land Mafia
  • Eve teasers
  • Sand smuggling
  • Any other, please specify
b) Nature of data to be gathered

about Person of Interest:
  • Identity documents such as:
    • Passport
    • Aadhar
    • Driving License
    • Voter Card
    • Employer Identity Card etc.
  • Provision to record all fields related to Person of Interest, viz.:
    • Phone numbers: Mobile/ Landline
    • Photograph
    • Property details
    • Family relatives
    • Details of automobiles/ two wheelers
    • Details of Fire Arms
    • Details of Bank Accounts.
    • Details of Gangs/ Associates
    • Details of Social Media platforms
    • Field Unit to which the Person of Interest is associated with
Village Information Officers will use this system to provide information about people/place/event in their area of jurisdiction and also receive alerts.

1. Primary Data to be captured

a) Details of persons of interest of area covering
  • Information of criminals of area
  • Information of proclaimed offenders.
  • Information of persons actively engaged in NDPS cases.
  • Information of suspects/ accused in snatching cases.
  • Information of idlers.
  • Information of drug addicts and their associates.
  • Information of unemployed youth of the area.
  • Information of prominent persons of the village pertaining to different categories. Categories may be drop down such as:
    • Sarpanch
    • Serving cop
    • Retired cop
    • Teacher
    • Govt. employee
    • Armed forces, etc.
  • Thana and Village
  • Information of Influencer
b) Details of places of interest
  • Important landmarks
  • Schools
  • Colleges
  • Religious places such as;
    • Gurudwara
    • Temple
    • Mosque
    • Dera
    • Church etc
  • Community Centres
  • Data to be collected about these places of Interest will include lat/long, contact person, etc.
c) Details of important events such as;
  • local melas
  • Important murders
  • Killings
  • Terrorists’ incidents etc
d) Details of information of interest such as;
  • Historical information
  • Enmity amongst families etc.
  • Departmental Enquiry Processes
  • Criminal cases against officials.
  • Vigilance Enquiries
  • Health information
  • Issuing of resources to personnel
    • Vehicles
    • Wireless sets
    • Weapons
    • Computers